Saturday, October 14, 2006
Newsletter No. 42
In this Issue:
A Story I Liked
Sayings of our blessed Fathers
I am thankful
A Glimpse of a Shining Star
A Poem I liked
Coptic Hymns
God blessed us with this history
Birthday Wishes
GABBY's site: Read about, history, puzzles, stories, games, and lots more.
There's work to do, deadlines to meet,
you've got no time to spare,
But as you hurry and scurry,
always say a prayer.
In the midst of family chaos,
"quality time" is rare.
Do your best; let God do the rest:
Always say a prayer.
It may seem like your worries are
more than you can bear.
Slow down and take a breather-
always say a prayer.
God knows how stressful life is;
He wants to ease our cares,
and He'll respond ASAP-
Always say a prayer!
As to the wording of hymns used in the early church, it began with poorly written extracts of translated Psalms. Shortly afterwards the church realised the value of hymns and praise in establishing proper worship. As a result effort of writers and poets were poured into formulating hymns and praise passages.
The Syrian Hymns: (Iraque, Syria, India) – The Serian hymns were totally dominated by the hymns of St Avram who influenced not only the eastern church but the western church also. This saint who is known as the flout of the Holy Spirit reached peaks in spiritual depths and musical talents that he lived in his hymns. During the life of St Avram the Serian hymns entered a new era in depth and excellence and his hymns are still alive in the Serian Church today.
The Byzantine Hymns: (Greece and Turkey) – This Church adopted a lot of music and hymns of the Serian Church but because of the language barrier it did not advance as rapidly as other churches. In fact it did not really begin until the end of the sixth century through Anatolius the bishop of Constantinople, Romans and others.
The Latin Hymns: (Rome) – Its music was also influenced by the eastern church but its real founder is St Ilary followed by St Ambrose who is considered the Prince of the Latin music (equivalent to St Avram of the Serian Church) with over 100 hymns related to him, followed by St Augustine and others.
In comparison with the Byzantine music, the Latin music was considered more spiritual and more realistic as it was centred around Christ and Salvation. It became the source of all western music and the basis of the Protestant hymns after the sixteenth century.
The Coptic Hymns: Historical evidence suggests that the Coptic hymns existed since the Apostolic ages. It was formulated and formalised during the foundation of the Coptic Church. Contrary to the western churches whose hymns were developed with time, the Coptic hymns remained unchanged.
End of Issue No. 42
A Story I Liked
Sayings of our blessed Fathers
I am thankful
A Glimpse of a Shining Star
A Poem I liked
Coptic Hymns
God blessed us with this history
Birthday Wishes
Visit this week’s sites, brought to you by the Corner’s little angel; GABBY
Click on the GABBY site below
Click on the GABBY site below
GABBY's site: Read about, history, puzzles, stories, games, and lots more.
A Story I Liked
Making Pancakes
Making Pancakes
Six -year-old Brandon decided one Saturday morning to fix his parents pancakes. He found a big bowl and spoon, pulled a chair to the counter, opened the cupboard and pulled out the heavy flour canister, spilling it on the floor. He scooped some of the flour into the bowl with his hands, mixed in most of a cup of milk and added some sugar, leaving a floury trail on the floor which by now had a few tracks left by his kitten.
Brandon was covered with flour and getting frustrated. He wanted this to be something very good for Mom and Dad, but it was getting very bad.
He didn't know what to do next, whether to put it all into the oven or on the stove and he didn't know how the stove worked! Suddenly he saw his kitten licking from the bowl of mix and reached to push her away, knocking the egg carton to the floor. Frantically he tried to clean up this monumental mess but slipped on the eggs, getting his pajamas white and sticky.
And just then he saw Dad standing at the door. Big crocodile tears welled up in Brandon 's eyes. All he'd wanted to do was something good, but he'd made a terrible mess. He was sure a scolding was coming, maybe even a spanking. But his father just watched him.
Then, walking through the mess, he picked up his crying son, hugged and kissed him, getting his own pyjamas white and sticky in the process!
That's how God deals with us. We try to do something good in life, but it turns into a mess. Our marriage gets all sticky or we insult a friend, or we can't stand our job, or our health goes sour.
Sometimes we just stand there in tears because we can't think of anything else ! to do. That's when God picks us up and loves us and forgives us, even though some of our mess gets all over Him.
But just because we might mess up, we can't stop trying to "make pancakes" for God or for others. Sooner or later we'll get it right, and then they'll be glad we tried.. Please pass some of this love on to others....suppose one morning you were called to God; do all your friends know you love them?
I was thinking. and I wondered if I had any wounds needing to be healed, friendships that need rekindling or three words needing to be said, sometimes, "I love you" can heal & bless! Remind every one of your friends that you love them. Even if you think they don't love back, you would be amazed at what those three little words, a smile, and a reminder like this can do.
Just in case I haven't told you lately... I LOVE YOU.
Brandon was covered with flour and getting frustrated. He wanted this to be something very good for Mom and Dad, but it was getting very bad.
He didn't know what to do next, whether to put it all into the oven or on the stove and he didn't know how the stove worked! Suddenly he saw his kitten licking from the bowl of mix and reached to push her away, knocking the egg carton to the floor. Frantically he tried to clean up this monumental mess but slipped on the eggs, getting his pajamas white and sticky.
And just then he saw Dad standing at the door. Big crocodile tears welled up in Brandon 's eyes. All he'd wanted to do was something good, but he'd made a terrible mess. He was sure a scolding was coming, maybe even a spanking. But his father just watched him.
Then, walking through the mess, he picked up his crying son, hugged and kissed him, getting his own pyjamas white and sticky in the process!
That's how God deals with us. We try to do something good in life, but it turns into a mess. Our marriage gets all sticky or we insult a friend, or we can't stand our job, or our health goes sour.
Sometimes we just stand there in tears because we can't think of anything else ! to do. That's when God picks us up and loves us and forgives us, even though some of our mess gets all over Him.
But just because we might mess up, we can't stop trying to "make pancakes" for God or for others. Sooner or later we'll get it right, and then they'll be glad we tried.. Please pass some of this love on to others....suppose one morning you were called to God; do all your friends know you love them?
I was thinking. and I wondered if I had any wounds needing to be healed, friendships that need rekindling or three words needing to be said, sometimes, "I love you" can heal & bless! Remind every one of your friends that you love them. Even if you think they don't love back, you would be amazed at what those three little words, a smile, and a reminder like this can do.
Just in case I haven't told you lately... I LOVE YOU.
Sayings of our blessed Fathers
There is nothing more contrary to love than envy, and envy comes from pride
+ St. Augustine +
+ St. Augustine +
I am thankful
A Glimpse of a Shining Star
When Abba Agathon went down to the city to sell some of his baskets and to procure a little bread, he found near the market place an old, poor cripple. “For the love of God” the cripple began to plead upon seeing the saint, ‘don’t you too, leave this wretch unaided. Bring me near to you.’ Abba Agathon picked the man up and sat him next to him in the place where he set up his baskets to sell them. ‘How much money did you make, Abba? ’the cripple would ask each time the elder sold a basket.’ ‘Such and such, the elder would tell him. ‘That’s good enough’ the cripple finally said. ‘Won’t you buy me a little pie, Abba? That would be good of you since I have not eaten since last evening.’ ‘With pleasure’ the saint told him immediately fulfilling the cripple’s request. Shortly thereafter the cripple requested some fruit. And then, some sweets. Thus, for each basket that he sold the saint would spend the proceeds, until, thanks to his patronage, all of the baskets and money were gone, without his having kept even a penny to himself. More importantly, he did all this with eagerness, even though he knew that he would go even two weeks without any bread for himself. After selling the last basket, the saint got ready to leave the market place. ‘So you are going?’ the cripple asked him. “Yes I have completed all of my work.’ “Uh, do me the favour of taking me as far as the crossroads, and you can leave for the desert from there,’ the strange old man pleadingly said. The good Agathon took the cripple on his back and carried him to the place where he wanted to go, though with great difficulty, since he was exhausted from his day’s work. As soon as he reached the crossroads and started to put down his living burden, he heard a sweet voice telling him: ‘May you be blessed, Agathon, by God, both on earth and in Heaven.’ The saint raised up his eyes to see who it was who had spoken to him. The would-be old man had completely disappeared, since he was an angel sent by the Lord to test the saint’s love.
Always Say A Prayer
Always Say A Prayer
There's work to do, deadlines to meet,
you've got no time to spare,
But as you hurry and scurry,
always say a prayer.
In the midst of family chaos,
"quality time" is rare.
Do your best; let God do the rest:
Always say a prayer.
It may seem like your worries are
more than you can bear.
Slow down and take a breather-
always say a prayer.
God knows how stressful life is;
He wants to ease our cares,
and He'll respond ASAP-
Always say a prayer!
Coptic Hymns
As to the wording of hymns used in the early church, it began with poorly written extracts of translated Psalms. Shortly afterwards the church realised the value of hymns and praise in establishing proper worship. As a result effort of writers and poets were poured into formulating hymns and praise passages.
The Syrian Hymns: (Iraque, Syria, India) – The Serian hymns were totally dominated by the hymns of St Avram who influenced not only the eastern church but the western church also. This saint who is known as the flout of the Holy Spirit reached peaks in spiritual depths and musical talents that he lived in his hymns. During the life of St Avram the Serian hymns entered a new era in depth and excellence and his hymns are still alive in the Serian Church today.
The Byzantine Hymns: (Greece and Turkey) – This Church adopted a lot of music and hymns of the Serian Church but because of the language barrier it did not advance as rapidly as other churches. In fact it did not really begin until the end of the sixth century through Anatolius the bishop of Constantinople, Romans and others.
The Latin Hymns: (Rome) – Its music was also influenced by the eastern church but its real founder is St Ilary followed by St Ambrose who is considered the Prince of the Latin music (equivalent to St Avram of the Serian Church) with over 100 hymns related to him, followed by St Augustine and others.
In comparison with the Byzantine music, the Latin music was considered more spiritual and more realistic as it was centred around Christ and Salvation. It became the source of all western music and the basis of the Protestant hymns after the sixteenth century.
The Coptic Hymns: Historical evidence suggests that the Coptic hymns existed since the Apostolic ages. It was formulated and formalised during the foundation of the Coptic Church. Contrary to the western churches whose hymns were developed with time, the Coptic hymns remained unchanged.
God blessed us with this history
Copts throughout the ages (9)
Copts throughout the ages (9)
(Synopsis from: “The story of the Copts, by Iris Habib El-Masry)
Abba Demetrius, the twelfth pope, appointed Heracles Dean to the School of Emperor Decius instigated a persecution. It was intense in its cruelty. In a vicious desire to exterminate the Christians, Decius poured his venom on their leaders Abba Dionysius himself was arrested and taken out of Alexandria to the town of Taposiris, in the vicinity of Lake Mareotis. Fortunately for the Church, his secretary, succeeded in escaping, and in so doing was instrumental in saving the Pope. For as he was fleeing, he met one of the faithful, who asked him where he was going, and heard from him of the Pope's arrest and where he had been taken to. This person was on his way to a wedding, so hurriedly he went and informed the guests assembled of the news. Thereupon all of them firmly resolved to go together and try to deliver their Pope from the hands of the relentless Romans. Rising, in one accord, they went to the house where they were told he had been detained and boldly assailed it, shouting and causing uproar.
Amidst the tumult and the confusion that followed, some of them went straight in and carried Abba Dionysius away. Taking him to the house where the wedding was to be held they entreated him to go to safety, telling him that his Church and his people were in need of his valuable life. Accordingly, he chose two companions from among them and together they retired into the desert. There he remained until the fury of the Emperor was spent.
While in seclusion, Abba Dionysius remained secretly in touch with his own Church as well as sister Churches. From his desert abode, Abba Dionysius also addressed an exhortation on "Martyrdom" to Origen, who was then imprisoned in Tyre, where he was being tortured, in spite of his old age.
Around those raging times, St. Paul, who became the first Egyptian hermit, set out to the desert. He was a young man of twenty, very wealthy and well-educated in both the Coptic and the Greek literatures. He was of a gentle spirit and a strong lover of God.
Abba Demetrius, the twelfth pope, appointed Heracles Dean to the School of Emperor Decius instigated a persecution. It was intense in its cruelty. In a vicious desire to exterminate the Christians, Decius poured his venom on their leaders Abba Dionysius himself was arrested and taken out of Alexandria to the town of Taposiris, in the vicinity of Lake Mareotis. Fortunately for the Church, his secretary, succeeded in escaping, and in so doing was instrumental in saving the Pope. For as he was fleeing, he met one of the faithful, who asked him where he was going, and heard from him of the Pope's arrest and where he had been taken to. This person was on his way to a wedding, so hurriedly he went and informed the guests assembled of the news. Thereupon all of them firmly resolved to go together and try to deliver their Pope from the hands of the relentless Romans. Rising, in one accord, they went to the house where they were told he had been detained and boldly assailed it, shouting and causing uproar.
Amidst the tumult and the confusion that followed, some of them went straight in and carried Abba Dionysius away. Taking him to the house where the wedding was to be held they entreated him to go to safety, telling him that his Church and his people were in need of his valuable life. Accordingly, he chose two companions from among them and together they retired into the desert. There he remained until the fury of the Emperor was spent.
While in seclusion, Abba Dionysius remained secretly in touch with his own Church as well as sister Churches. From his desert abode, Abba Dionysius also addressed an exhortation on "Martyrdom" to Origen, who was then imprisoned in Tyre, where he was being tortured, in spite of his old age.
Around those raging times, St. Paul, who became the first Egyptian hermit, set out to the desert. He was a young man of twenty, very wealthy and well-educated in both the Coptic and the Greek literatures. He was of a gentle spirit and a strong lover of God.
The Corner Wishes
David and Nicole
A Very Happy Birthday
End of Issue No. 42