Saturday, September 02, 2006
Newsletter No. 36
In this Issue:
A Prayer by Pope St Kyrollos VI
Sayings of our blessed fathers
Easy … Difficult
A Poem I liked
A Commentary I liked
Miracles happen all the time
Your Say in the Survey
Birthday Wishes
End of Issue No. 36
A Prayer by Pope St Kyrollos VI
Sayings of our blessed fathers
Easy … Difficult
A Poem I liked
A Commentary I liked
Miracles happen all the time
Your Say in the Survey
Birthday Wishes
A Prayer by Pope St Kyrollos VI
We are asked to pray continually and never lose heart. When we pray we are inclined to give up if God does not seem to answer us immediately. But that’s wrong. We should persevere knowing that Christ is always interceding for us to His Father for our protection and welfare. As long as we pray in faith then we can never be beaten by our enemies.
Another prayer also, by his holiness
“Our Lord God and Saviour Jesus Christ, who searches and holds the reins, accord us love and plant it in our hearts. Let us feel and appreciate it, even if our hearts are separated in far away countries. Yes Lord, this is a great blessing that you give freely to people who, with one heart, always beg in their prayers and supplications saying; “O Lord plant in us the pure tree of love. We beg you to have it increase and bring forth fruit thirty-fold and a hundred-fold. O Messiah of Our Lord, who is rich in loving kindness, protect us with your strong arm from the enemy who can fill us with wrath, and can make us speak hurtful words to others, for which we later repent in our seclusion. You know Lord that we are powerless in front of this enemy. Give us victory over him. Shut his mouth so that he may not approach us. Set a watch O Lord, before our mouths. Keep the door closed on our lips. Let us take insults and use them to help us be modest. Let Your right hand hold and keep us under the shadow of Your wings. Guide our steps along the path to truth. Glory honour and worship are worthy of You, with Your Father and The Holy Spirit, now and forever, amen.
Another prayer also, by his holiness
“Our Lord God and Saviour Jesus Christ, who searches and holds the reins, accord us love and plant it in our hearts. Let us feel and appreciate it, even if our hearts are separated in far away countries. Yes Lord, this is a great blessing that you give freely to people who, with one heart, always beg in their prayers and supplications saying; “O Lord plant in us the pure tree of love. We beg you to have it increase and bring forth fruit thirty-fold and a hundred-fold. O Messiah of Our Lord, who is rich in loving kindness, protect us with your strong arm from the enemy who can fill us with wrath, and can make us speak hurtful words to others, for which we later repent in our seclusion. You know Lord that we are powerless in front of this enemy. Give us victory over him. Shut his mouth so that he may not approach us. Set a watch O Lord, before our mouths. Keep the door closed on our lips. Let us take insults and use them to help us be modest. Let Your right hand hold and keep us under the shadow of Your wings. Guide our steps along the path to truth. Glory honour and worship are worthy of You, with Your Father and The Holy Spirit, now and forever, amen.
Sayings of our blessed fathers
Just as a lamp lights up a dark room, so the fear of God, when it penetrates the heart of a man illuminates him, teaching him all the virtues & commandants. + Abba James +
Easy … Difficult
Easy is to get a place in someone's address book.
Difficult is to get a place in someone's heart.
Difficult is to get a place in someone's heart.
A Poem I liked
I love you daddy
Say, do you love me Sonny?
The question was from me,
To my little son, a-swingin'
Boy-like on my knee.
Of course, I love you, daddy,"
He said with honest eye,
I pulled him closer to me
'Tell me, honey, 'why?'
"Well, it's NOT because you're daddy!"
(He seemed to think a bit)
He fumbled with my necktie ....
"No, that's not it!"
He seemed to think a moment,
Then sort've settled back ....
"You love ME so much, daddy,
I reckon I just like to love you back!".
I think that answer sort've helped me know
The reason why I love the Master so;
His love is grand, and strong, and knows no slack,
He loves me so much, I reckon I just like to love Him back!
Say, do you love me Sonny?
The question was from me,
To my little son, a-swingin'
Boy-like on my knee.
Of course, I love you, daddy,"
He said with honest eye,
I pulled him closer to me
'Tell me, honey, 'why?'
"Well, it's NOT because you're daddy!"
(He seemed to think a bit)
He fumbled with my necktie ....
"No, that's not it!"
He seemed to think a moment,
Then sort've settled back ....
"You love ME so much, daddy,
I reckon I just like to love you back!".
I think that answer sort've helped me know
The reason why I love the Master so;
His love is grand, and strong, and knows no slack,
He loves me so much, I reckon I just like to love Him back!
A Commentary I liked
Genesis 1:1-5
Beginnings. All beginnings must begin with God. Always put God first. The first stone in every building, our first thought every morning, the first ain and purpose of all activity ought to be for Him. Begin the book of the year with God, and you will end it with the glory of the new Jerusalem. At first, as in the physical creation, your heart and life may seem to be “without form and void.” Do not be discouraged. The Spirit of God is within you, brooming amid the darkness, and presently His Light will shine through. It is the blessed presence of the Lord Jesus that stirs in your heart and will presently rule your life (John 1:4). His presence divides between good and evil. You must distinguish between Christ and self. Follow the gleam and you shall not walk in darkness, but have light of life. God’s days begin in evenings, and always end in mornings.
Beginnings. All beginnings must begin with God. Always put God first. The first stone in every building, our first thought every morning, the first ain and purpose of all activity ought to be for Him. Begin the book of the year with God, and you will end it with the glory of the new Jerusalem. At first, as in the physical creation, your heart and life may seem to be “without form and void.” Do not be discouraged. The Spirit of God is within you, brooming amid the darkness, and presently His Light will shine through. It is the blessed presence of the Lord Jesus that stirs in your heart and will presently rule your life (John 1:4). His presence divides between good and evil. You must distinguish between Christ and self. Follow the gleam and you shall not walk in darkness, but have light of life. God’s days begin in evenings, and always end in mornings.
Miracles happen all the time
Your Say in the Survey
A hi-5 to all those who participated in the questionnaire last Sunday. Thanx to your feedback which was positive all the way, it is really very encouraging. Please feel free to give your opinion at anytime.
41 people participated in this questionnaire ; out of which 36 do read the newsletter.
8 in grades 3&4 including servants.
8 In grades 5&6 including servants.
5 In grades 7&8 including servants.
11 In grades 9&10 including servants.
9 In grades 11 & 12. including servants.
19 always read the newsletter.
17 sometimes read it.
5 never read it.
Main results:
25 regard Miracles as very important.
22 regard Church News as very important
19 regard Sayings of the Fathers as very important
18 regard Birthdays as very important
16 regard Story I liked as very important
16 regard History of our church as very important
Also, all your ideas shall be catered for, God willing, as it is a privilege to do serve and please yous.
Accordingly, the new topics shall be added, and hopefully together with the existing ones that you regard as important, shall rotate on a regular basis.
Some of the new topics to be added to our regular topics are:
songs and poems
Gabby the angel’s recommendations for books, tapes, CDs, …
Gabby’s trips to our churches around the world.
Bible commentaries.
Interesting websites ...... And more.
41 people participated in this questionnaire ; out of which 36 do read the newsletter.
8 in grades 3&4 including servants.
8 In grades 5&6 including servants.
5 In grades 7&8 including servants.
11 In grades 9&10 including servants.
9 In grades 11 & 12. including servants.
19 always read the newsletter.
17 sometimes read it.
5 never read it.
Main results:
25 regard Miracles as very important.
22 regard Church News as very important
19 regard Sayings of the Fathers as very important
18 regard Birthdays as very important
16 regard Story I liked as very important
16 regard History of our church as very important
Also, all your ideas shall be catered for, God willing, as it is a privilege to do serve and please yous.
Accordingly, the new topics shall be added, and hopefully together with the existing ones that you regard as important, shall rotate on a regular basis.
Some of the new topics to be added to our regular topics are:
songs and poems
Gabby the angel’s recommendations for books, tapes, CDs, …
Gabby’s trips to our churches around the world.
Bible commentaries.
Interesting websites ...... And more.
The Corner Wishes
A Very Happy Birthday
End of Issue No. 36